The Underline 2.0 – Animation & graphic design
A few summers back, I was working as an animator and, for that job, I learned how to create motion graphics animations with Adobe After Effects.

At the same time (warning: nerd alert incoming), my friends and I were putting together a new Minecraft server that we could all build and create cool stuff on in our free time. As we all started exploring the Minecraft world and staking out places to build, we quickly realized that travelling from one another on foot was very tedious and time-consuming. So, naturally, I designed ourselves an underground subway system that would autonomously transport us between all of our bases.

The subway system was called “The Underline 2.0” (as this was our second server) and below is a promotional video and some graphic content created in relation to it. Enjoy!
The Underline Map
Below are the official maps for both The Underline and The Greater Emphasis
The background story
Choosing a world name
The group of friends and myself who created these Minecraft servers were all from the same university program, Industrial Design. And, because all loved design, we all also had an appreciation for nice typography. Thus, we named all of our worlds after famous fonts.
Helvetica Neuetown
Our first world was named “Helvetica Neuetown” in honour of the Helvetica Neue font. As many locations do, we added “town” as a suffix to make it sounds more settlement-like.
Bebas Neuetown
Our second world was named “Bebas Neuetown” in honour of the Bebas Neue font. Again, we added “town” as a suffix to make the name sounds a little more settlement-like.
San Futura
Our third and current world is named “San Futura” in honour of the Futura font. This world featured a more sandy location with higher mountains so the classic “San” prefix found in many Californian towns and cities felt right.
Choosing a subway system name
As all of our worlds were named after fonts, we wanted to lean into this theme when naming our transportation system. Since subways are usually underground systems, we ultimately decided on “The Underline” for our name. As a way to emphasize fonts, you can underline them and, seeing as our world was literally named after a font, the subway line travelling under the world felt like a very appropriate play on words that fit our theme nicely.
Branding & Signage
Bold & emphasized
As the purpose of underlining text is to highlight its importance, we wanted to style our branding and signage with a similar type of approach. We opted for bold colours and bold, sans serif typefaces to achieve this bold but sleek look.
The Underline 2.0
Just for your interest, here are a few still shots of the different stations and lines in The Underline 2.0.
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